Order your personal Welcome Package

Sign up for our special Welcome Package. It is filled with excellent Welcome-to-Struer offers, all carefully selected for newcomers, and some good possibilities to get a taste of life in our area.

The Welcome Package is for everyone moving to Struer Municipality.

In this nice bag, you will find coupons you can use to experience the area in different ways, find our coupon catalog here.

In the bag, you will also find discounts and useful information about your new local area. All are packed for you in a personal Welcome Package. 

One of our voluntary Welcome Ambassadors will pay you a visit with your package, and they are also happy to offer you advice on how to get settled in your new area. 

The Welcome Ambassador may try to contact you before their visit to set a date and time that suits you both. If none have been in touch within a month after you signed up for the Welcoming package, please write to: newcomer@struer.dk

If you do not wish to get a visit from one of our Welcome Ambassadors, you can choose to pick up the Welcome Package at Struer Library. If you choose this, we will contact you via email when your Welcome Package is ready for you and can be picked up.

When you fill out the form to order your Welcome Package, please select one of the two options to let us know how you would like to receive your Welcome Package.

We only hand out one Welcome Package per home.

We look forward to giving you a warm, personal welcome to Struer Municipality.

Sign up for your welcome package

First and last name

Street, number, floor, apartment, letter

Choose your lokal area from the list

Please enter your age

How many people over the age of 3 live at the residence?

When did you move to Struer municipality?

Phone number

Please select how you want to receive your package?

I accept that my information will be sent to a welcome ambassador or the library personal, depending on my chosen delivery method. This is necessary to insure the welcome package goes to the correct person.

Yes, I give permission for my data to be stored and processed (Read our policy at: struer.dk/persondata. In Danish only)

Felter med (*) skal udfyldes


Newcomer Service